Effective Chiropractic Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

For most of us, a healthy foot is essential to our daily routine. We typically rely on our feet to move and to complete numerous activities. When the foot is in pain, it can hinder our performance, making everything challenging or impossible. 

One of the most common foot injuries is plantar fasciitis, which can be incredibly painful. Luckily, safe, natural chiropractic solutions can deliver invaluable comfort and healing to those with plantar fasciitis. 

But how do you know if you have it? 


In this article, we answer:

  • What is plantar fasciitis, and what are its symptoms?
  • How did I get plantar fasciitis?
  • How can I help prevent plantar fasciitis?
  • Can chiropractic solutions effectively treat plantar fasciitis?
  • And more


Your foot pain shouldn’t hold you back. Read on to learn all about plantar fasciitis and how to get it under control. 


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a robust band of tissue spanning the foot's underside from heel to toe. It is crucial in maintaining arch support and facilitating proper foot mechanics during walking. Given its constant use, particularly in high-impact activities like running, this tissue is prone to stress.

Plantar fasciitis occurs when excessive strain or tension damages the plantar fascia. This condition arises from unnatural stretching or tearing of the tissue, leading to inflammation and discomfort. Athletes and individuals who engage in activities that put significant pressure on their feet are especially susceptible to developing plantar fasciitis.


Common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include:

  • Sharp heel pain 
  • Heel and foot pain after exercise 
  • Arch pain
  • Pain when pressure is placed on the foot after not using it for prolonged periods (when you first wake up or after sitting all day for work)
  • Foot stiffness and weakness
  • Limping
  • Swelling near the heel
  • Tight Achilles tendon
  • Difficulty with stairs


At the first sign of foot discomfort, seeking medical evaluation for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan is advisable. Consulting a healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor, can be beneficial in managing symptoms, preventing pain escalation, and reducing the risk of further injury. Early intervention often leads to more effective treatment outcomes and faster recovery.


Who Gets Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a common sports injury; however, even those who are inactive can experience the condition. Whether you’re active or sedentary, some are more inclined than others. 


Common reasons for plantar fasciitis include:

  • Wearing improper footwear for your activities
  • Overuse of the foot tissues, often due to sports, hobbies, or occupation
  • Unique foot structure and mechanics
  • Aging or wear and tear
  • Chronic injury elsewhere in the body
  • Improper (or non-existent) warm-ups and cool-downs before and after exercise or sport
  • Carrying excess weight or pregnancy 


Although some of these lifestyle choices and events can be prevented, not all of them can. Proactively protecting your soft tissues and joints is always the best line of defense against injuries. The higher your body's functioning, the better it can respond to injury and recovery. 


Tips to help avoid plantar fasciitis include:

  • Stretch and exercise regularly to help the body perform and function at its best
  • Wear properly fitting footwear for your activities 
  • Avoid wearing high heels regularly (wear lower heels that have sole support if you must wear heels)
  • Warm up and cool down before and after physical activities 
  • Rest and ice the feet after events or long periods of standing or high-impact activity
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Ensure your body is functioning correctly to keep undo pressure off the feet
  • Get off your feet at the first signs of discomfort


Visit Our Boca Raton Chiropractic Clinic for Plantar Fasciitis Relief

In our clinic, we provide conservative chiropractic solutions that are very effective when treating plantar fasciitis. Our holistic approach ensures the injury or imbalances causing dysfunction to your plantar fascia are remedied, promoting lasting results.

We understand the body’s interconnections and relationships within the spine, joints, and soft tissues and that when one area is compromised, pain and dysfunction can also impact other areas. For instance, a disc herniation may lead to compensation and cause undue pressure on the plantar fascia. 

Our Boca Raton chiropractic clinic will find the cause of your condition to create the best healing strategy. We often offer shockwave therapy to patients with plantar fasciitis. This FDA-approved treatment has an extremely high success rate when compared to other conservative care options. We’ve seen firsthand how it has helped our patients find fast relief and healing. 


Other chiropractic solutions we offer to help relieve and heal plantar fasciitis include:


Our local plantar fasciitis chiropractor will use in-clinic treatments combined with take-home guidance on your unique needs and lifestyle so you can keep your body strong and healthy. 

Contact our Boca Raton chiropractic clinic today, and let’s find out what’s causing your plantar fasciitis. We can help control your pain so you can return to your life confidently.

Dr. Kevin Christie

Dr. Kevin Christie

Chiropractic Physician

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